Content Marketing in Indonesia


On my previous post, I argued that Snapchat is going to win over Twitter in Indonesia. Adding to that, I think one of the reasons were simply Indonesians (or majority of us) are lazy to read texts. They would prefer images (Instagram) and videos (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Snapchat). If you go to any cafes in Jakarta (I wouldn’t judge people outside of the capital just yet), it would be a rare occurrence to see someone reading a book, most of the time their hands would be swiping the smartphone.

Relating that to my point on this post, we are currently doing Talenta – a Software as a Service (or a cloud software, to put it simply) for Human Resource management especially on Payroll. Taking the best example of marketing a B2B software in the United States or generally in the West, one of the ways are through content in its blogs. I still believe that is not the case here in Indonesia. With the facts above, I think the best strategy for a B2B software/startup/product/services is still an offline interaction. Yet.


This post is part of my commitment to write 100 words a day for 100 days. Join me?

Why Twitter Will Decline and Snapchat Will be the Next Big Thing in Indonesia


Indonesia is huge. All the numbers are there, starting from its 250 million population, young age, mobile-first country, people having more than one smartphone, social media country as top 5 in terms of users for Facebook and Twitter. In fact, Twitter said that Jakarta is the Twitter capital city.

Yet, despite Indonesia making the worldwide trending topic over and over again, like what’s happening for Twitter outside Indonesia. Its unclear use-case or usage made the barrier of entry or usage pretty high for a country with small percentage of the population received higher level of education.

Why am I bringing the level of education to the play in this article? When I started using Twitter, I was mesmerized by how Twitter made it possible for me to say hello to my favourite artist, soccer players, and so on. Then, I moved on to following smart, funny, or insightful users. For a lot of Twitter users in Indonesia, they still see Twitter as a way to connect with their friends. Tweeting what they are doing and or chatting through mentioning their friends.

Back at my argument, with so many ways to chat or connect with your friends, Twitter loses more “general” users and only those who have or understand the use-case staying. For the past three to six months, I have never seen even one friend who opens up Twitter. In fact, some of my friends asked me “Oh you’re still using Twitter?”

Instagram is already the big thing in Indonesia. If you are famous on Instagram, people will talk about you. Instagram is also very simple and visual, so it attracts people to post every day, stalk your friends or crush, and or even for a simple usecase like following people who post awesome pictures. The barrier of entry is pretty low.

Here comes SnapChat, with no marketing push at all, I have seen more and more people using SnapChat starting with a simple use-case just like Twitter back then. Following artists with almost real time feeds of video made fans feel so much closer as if they are there with them.

The use-case also has very low barrier of entry. You don’t have to be smart/insightful like you’d probably need on Twitter. You don’t have to be able to showcase awesome pictures like on Instagram. In fact, Snapchat allows us to be free and post literally everything with no censors as it will all disappear within 24 hours or even faster if you send it privately. This creates a great user loop with people checking Snapchat for more contents.

Where does Path fall into this? I’d say Path will become the next Facebook where you will have your families and not so much of a close friends wanting to be friends with you. Although there’s the “Inner Circle” feature, you will still filter what you post (like what I’m doing). I use less and less of Path now and more Instagram and Snapchat. How about you? What do you think of Snapchat?