It has been more than a year since I posted my vision of value driven life and while I might add more to that vision after reading Ray Dalio’s Principles and Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective People — I’d like to add a mission and or achievable goals as a measurable metrics in my life
10,000 Business and or Business Owners
I have been doing B2B for the past 4 years of Talenta and if you add 2 years of Tech in Asia (dealing with startups) and another year of KakaoTalk (reaching out to brands to having account on KakaoTalk called Kakao Plus Friend just like Facebook has Facebook Pages) then it has been 7 years of B2B for me.
I love every single day of doing B2B because I feel that I’m solving a real problem which can impact a larger group of individuals. I believe that B2B is still underrated and undervalued in the region especially Indonesia and I want to gain expertise on this niche.
10,000 Digital Makers/Creators
While B2B won’t die and legacy businesses will live in the future, I won’t and can’t close my eyes to the future. There will be millions of digital makers or creators from people who creates newsletters, to musicians, to films, to e-sports players, even to someone who are basically just famous because of their appearance and they create content out of themselves.
I want to be in this space by creating a platform or a solution that will help them create sustainability in their job vs doing it on the side. I believe that these creators job will be the new hot dream vs the typical being an actor/actress POV.
10,000 Experts
One of the most important part of living/in this world is knowledge. As generations change and information, thus knowledge, sharing are getting easier — it actually creates overload.
I’d love to be able to create a network of experts all over Asia and just learn from them and then share it with more people. There is Quora in the US, and they want to be a global company but I believe a self-serve nature of Quora won’t work all over Asia.
10,000 Software/Subsciption
Software will basically disrupt all lines of businesses, the only question is when and how fast. I’m predicting a mass adoption in the next 5-7 years and I just love if an Indonesian software company/startup can be the go-to product for a regional problem.
I have drafted lots of ideas that will most likely churned out of SaaSia — which I believe will be my life long work.
10,000 fans
As for personal goal, I do really hope that I can inspire, mentor, develop, (add more positive things here) 10,000 people over my working life. I’m not necessarily saying they have to “love” or “like” me the way Kpop Idol fandom works but I’d love to have a tight relationship with people that I help.